Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA

Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA

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Tanpa basa basi lagi berikut ini adalah Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA

1. Please check in your baggage one hour before boarding time.
Where do you find the caution?
A. At the railway station.
B. At the harbour.
C. At the airport.
D. At the bus station

2. Read the text and answer questions 2-4.
From: +62815556165 Just to inform you that the meeting will be canceled for tomorrow Mon, May 23 '09 at 10 a. m. as the principal will arrive from Singapore tonight. Lilian.
Isty is very pleased with Sinta because she has ... in her examination.
A. won
B. succeeded
C. done
D. join
3. From the text we know that ....
A. the principal was away when the message was sent
B. the sender cannot attend the meeting
C. the principal will wait for the meeting that day
D. the sender was in Singapore when he sent the message
4. The short message is written to ....
A. tell what had happened in the meeting
B. inform the cancellation of a meeting
C. say that the principal won't come to the meeting
D. inform that the sender has just arrived from Singapore
5. Read the following text and answer questions 5 and 6
Hi friends, we are having a DINNER PARTYOn Wednesday August 13th in class VII A at eight o'clock.All students of VII A are supposed to join.Bring one or two friends and wear your funniest clothes to make the party fun. EXCEL group.
The persons who may join the party are VIIIA students and their....
A. couples
B. relatives
C. parents
D. friends

6. The text is written .... a dinner party.
A. to announce students to have
B. to invite people to go to
C. to inform people to refuse
D. to force students to go to

7. Read the text and answer questions 7 - 9
Scout Association of SMP Bunga Bangsa Semarang To: All Scout Members.We are going to go camping at Bringin area, from 14 — 16 June 2009. The contribution is Rp75,000.00. Members who would like to join the activity should register their names to Mrs. Katmiati. Registration will be on 10th June, 2009. Naufal A. C. The Chief

To whom is the announcement above?
A. Mrs. Katmiati
B. The chief of the association
C. All scout members
D. Scout association of SMP Bunga Bangsa Semarang

8. When will the camping activity start?
A. 10th June 2009
B. 14th June 2009
C. 15th June 2009
D. 16th June 2009
9. The contribution is Rp75.000,00”
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. Food, drinks, or services which are provided by an organization for guests
B. Sum of money that is given to a person or organization to pay for something
C. The act of making official report of something or someone
D. Payment made by someone because he has a debt
10. Read the text and answer questions 10 to 12
My favourite thing is aquarium. It is a place in which aquatic plants and animals, particularly fish, are kept. The term is applied to single tanks for home use in which fish are kept for their decorative effect and interesting habits and to public institutions with tanks for exhibition and scientific study of aquatic life.
I make home aquariums to simulate a natural environment. Aquatic plants supply the oxygen needed by the fish, but often an aerating device is used to furnish additional oxygen. Goldfish enjoy cool water, but the popular tropical fish must have water at a constant temperature of 22°C (72°F) or more. I must keep the water pure and free of algae for long periods by sufficient aeration and by keeping mollusks in the aquarium. A layer of sand or gravel at the bottom of the tank will hold the roots of such important aquatic plants as tape grass, vallisneria spiralis, and aid in the removal of debris. My home aquariums range in size from small fishbowls holding two or three pets to huge tanks.

To give additional oxygen, ... is used in a home aquarium.
A. a natural environment
B. aquatic plants
C. an aerating device
D. a layer of sand
11. Which is not needed to stimulate a natural environment in a home aquarium?
A. Putting aquatic plants in the aquarium
B. Using a suitable aerating device
C. Keeping mollusks in the aquarium
D. Removing the debris regularly

12. What is the above passage about?
A. The writer's home aquariums
B. A natural environment
C. Making an aquarium
D. Aquatic plants and animals

13. Read the text and answer questions 13 to 15

Yesterday night was the night of the fair, the following day was holiday. The children at Tim's school were really excited. They ran down the path out of school as fast as they could. Tim ran all the way home, and changed into his jeans and sneakers. He ate his dinner quickly, and sat at the window waiting for his dad to come. He couldn't wait for six o'clock when the fair would begin. He had been saving his pocket money for weeks.
When Tim and his family arrived at the fair, it had just opened. Already there were crowds of people swarming around food stalls, displays and dozens of rides. "Can I buy some chips and a drink?" asked Tim.
"Okay" sad Tim's dad. "But hang on tightly to your wallet. There are a lot of people around." "I'll be fine', said Tim impatiently.
He found a food stall, and ordered his food. When the man brought his chips and drink, without thinking, Tim put his wallet on the counter and picked up his food and drink. When he glanced back, his wallet had vanished! Tim desperately looked around him, but it was no use. All his pocket money was gone.
(Source : Exploring Writing by Sue Garnet)

The fair started ....
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
D. after school
14. The children at Tim's school felt excited because ...
A. they would go to the fair
B. the following night was a holiday
C. their parents came to visit them
D. they got new jeans and sneakers

15. "When he glanced back, his wallet has vanished!" (last paragraph). The underlined word means ....
A. moved
B. disappeared
C. stolen
D. changed

16. Read the following text to answer questions 16 to 18
Creole Onion SoupThis is a traditional French dish adapted by the Creoles of New Orleans. It is sometimes known as 'Looney soup'. Ingredients: - 75 gr unsalted butter- 6 large onions, peeled and sliced - Salt and pepper-1 tbsp brown sugar-600 ml beef stock-60 gr plain flour-2 tsp soy sauce-1 tsp Worcester sauce- 6 slices of French bread-6 tbsp grated cheese Method: 1. Melt butter slowly.2. Add sliced onion, a pinch of salt and pepper and the sugar.3. Cook on a low heat, stirring from time to time, until the onions have browned.4. Add beef stock and bring to the boil.5. Sift the flour, stirring hard to avoid lumps.6. Add chicken stock.7. Simmer for 3-4 hours.8. Add sauces.9. Top each bowl with bread and cheese and place under grill for two minutes, until cheese has melted. The bowls will be hot, so warn your guests. It is a very filling soup so you won't want much else to eat. It should be served for 4 to 6 people.

How much Worcester sauce do you need to make creole onion soup?
A. One tsp
B. One tbsp
C. Two tsp
D. Six tbsp

17. Why should you warn your guests while having the soup?
A.You won't want much else to eat.
B. The bowl is placed under grill.
C. The cheese has melted.
D. The bowls are hot.
18. Simmer for 3-4 hours. " What does 'simmer' mean?
A. Boil gently.
B. Stir carefully.
C. Sift smoothly.
D. Melt slowly.

19. Read the following text to answer questions 19 to 22.

Once upon a time, there were two butterflies, Teri and Roni. They are friends. Teri and Roni had the same crown.
One day, Kodi a frog, saw Teri and Roni quarreling "You took it!" said Roni "No. I did not!" said Teri.
"Hey, what's the matter?" asked Kodi.
"Teri stole my crown!" said Roni.
"No. I didn't," said Teri.
"Yesterday, I still had my crown when she came to visit me," said Roni.
"Today I cannot find the crown! Look!, she is wearing it!" Roni shouted.
"My mom gave me this crown," Teri explained.
Kodi suggested they all go to Roni's house.
"Where did you put it?" said Kodi to Roni.
"I put it on the table," Roni answered.
They didn't find the crown.
"May be, it fell down." Kodi looked under the table. Nothing was there.
"It was my favourite crown!" Roni sobbed.
"I didn't steal yours, but if you like it so much, you can have mine," Teri gave Roni the crown.
"It's here!" Kodi saw the crown behind the curtain.
Roni stopped crying, "Thank God, Kodi found it!"
"Sorry, Teri, I accused you. I'm a terrible friend!"
"It's OK," said Teri. "Let's say thanks to Kodi!"

Where did Kodi find the crown?
A. Under the table.
B. On the table.
C. Behind the curtain.
D. In the house.
20. I put it on the table," (line 13)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The crown
B. The house
C. The table
D. The curtain

21. From the story, we can learn that ....
A. trusting each other is very important
B. the goodness is always the winner
C. a wise friend can be trusted
D. we shouldn't accuse of others without proof

22. From the story above we can conclude that Kodi is a ... friend.
A. wise
B. good
C. polite
D. happy

23. Tom looks very tired.
What's your suggestion to him?
A. you should eat more
B. you should study harder
C. i think you ought to get some rest
D. what if you go for a walk?

24. A: .............................. go to the cinema and watch a good film?
      B: That's a good idea
A. you must
B. you have
C. i think you should
D. what if we

25. Nick: Sir, I think I'm lost.
Jeremy: .............................
A. Let me help you carrying your bag
B. Can i help you? I know this place
C. May i help you? I have a dog too
D. Shall I clean your shoes

26. Ani : ………..
Ida : I think it’s great
A. Have you read this book?
B. What do you think of this book?
C. What is it?
D. Do you know this?
E. How do you do?

27. Mita : What do you think about the fairy?
Bayu : I think she deserves to return to heaven
We can conclude that Mita is …
A. Asking for information from Bayu
B. Asking Bayu’s opinion
C. Giving her opinion to Bayu
D. Agreeing with Bayu’s opinion
E. Disagreeing with Bayu’s opinion

28. Dear Mariana,
Hello my best friend, I will have a party for celebrating my graduation. It will begin on Friday, October 26th , 2018 at 8 PM. It will be held in Primarasa restaurant at Jalan Wijaya Kusuma 12 Surabaya. I do hope that you can come together with the other friends praying for my graduation. See you!

If you have any questions, call me at 081 234 471 490

Your Beautiful Friend,


Who is invited to the graduation party?
A. Mawar
B. All friends
C. Prima
D. Mariana
E. Belliana

29. Dear Mariana,
Hello my best friend, I will have a party for celebrating my graduation. It will begin on Friday, October 26th , 2018 at 8 PM. It will be held in Primarasa restaurant at Jalan Wijaya Kusuma 12 Surabaya. I do hope that you can come together with the other friends praying for my graduation. See you!

If you have any questions, call me at 081 234 471 490

Your Beautiful Friend,


When will be the graduation party?
A. October 26th , 2018
B. October 26th 2015
C. 8.00 PM
D. October 26th 2016
E. May 12th 2012

30. The purpose of exposition text is to ...
A. persuade readers to agree with author's opinion about the harm of global warming
B. describe global warming to readers and how it affects people's lives
C. explain to readers the meaning of global warming and its effect
D. tell a story about global warming

31. Global warming is a phenomenon used to describe the gradual increase in the temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Global warming is not a new problem lately people are acknowledging that we are facing a serious problem. Climate change is apparent everywhere.

Based on the text, we can conclude that global warming is ...
A. the raise of Earth's atmosphere and ocean temperature
B. is a new problem faced by human
C. is not a severe problem
D. the temperature of Earth's atmosphere and the oceans

32. The generic structure of exposition text is....;
A. Argument-Thesis-Conclusion
B. Thesis-Conclusion-Argument
C. Conclusion-Thesis-Argument
D. Thesis-Argument-Conclusion
E. Argument-Argument-Conclusion

33. Apt BLK 30, Eunos St. #05 – 116
Singapore 1441
2nd April 2009
Dear Liza,
I have received you letter asking me to meet you at your house this Sunday to discuss the urgent matter you have. I regret however to say that it will not be possible for me to see you on Sunday as I already have a previous appointment . I shall see you on Monday next week at 5 p.m . Hoping the change of date will be convenient to you .
Your sincerely

What does the letter tell about ….
A. Liza’s problem
B. Liza’s appointment
C. Daisy’s previous letter to Liza
D. Daisy’s regret for not being able to come
E. A meeting held at Liza’s house
34. Apt BLK 30, Eunos St. #05 – 116
Singapore 1441
2nd April 2009
Dear Liza,
I have received you letter asking me to meet you at your house this Sunday to discuss the urgent matter you have. I regret however to say that it will not be possible for me to see you on Sunday as I already have a previous appointment . I shall see you on Monday next week at 5 p.m . Hoping the change of date will be convenient to you .
Your sincerely

Why did Liza ask Daisy to come to her house….
A. Liza wanted Daisy to solve her problem
B. Daisy would discuss her problem with Liza
C. Liza persuaded Daisy to go somewhere
D. Daisy wanted to meet Liza’s family
E. Liza wanted to chat with Daisy
35. Keegan was hungry because he skipped lunch.
What is the effect?
A. Keegan was hungry
B. because he skipped lunch
C. no effect
D. keegan playing PUBG

36. Erin's car had a flat tire, so she called a tow truck.
What is the cause?
A. Erin's car had a flat tire
B. so she called a tow truck
C. erin playing DOTA
D. no cause
37. The students were late........the traffic jam.
A. because
B. as
C. because of
D. since
38. What kind of emotion in this song?

A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Regret
D. Patient
E. Struggle
39. Which of the following is not part of how an elephant is describe in the first paragraph?

A. It looks strange.
B. It’s strong
C. It’s wild.
D. It has a trunk.

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