Materi dan Contoh Soal Congratulating and Complementing Others Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

Materi dan Contoh Soal Congratulating and Complementing Others Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

Materi dan Contoh Soal Congratulating and Complementing Others Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

 Kembali berjumpa bersama Dalam kesempatan ini kita akan belajar materi singkat Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 Bab 2 Congratulating and Complementing Others. Didalam materi ini kita akan diajarkan bagaimana memberi selamat kepada orang lain atas prestasi yang telah diraih (congratulating others) dan cara memberikan pujian atau apresiasi kepada orang lain (complementing others) serta cara menanggapinya.

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 - Congratulating and Complementing Others

Expression of Congratulation

Ada beberapa ungkapan yang bisa anda gunakan ketika memberikan selamat, diantaranya adalah: 

Congratulation for + noun

  • Congratulation for the result of test (Selamat atas nilai tesnya)
  • Congratulation for the new position (Selamat atas jabatan barunya)

Congratulation for + being + noun

  • Congratulation for being the new manager (Selamat karena telah menjadi manager baru)
  • Congratulation for being the champion (Selamat karena menjadi juara)

Congratulation for + v-ing

  • Congratulation for winning the competition (Selamat karena telah memenangi kompetisi)
  • Congratulation for passing the exam (Selamat karena telah lulus ujian)

Responses of Congratulations

  • Thanks. I hope so too (terima kasih. Saya harap kamu juga)
  • You are welcome (sama-sama)
  • It’s very good of you to say so (menyenangkan kamu berkata seperti itu)
  • How nice of you to say so (terima kasih. Senang mendengarnya)
  • Thank you very much for saying so (terima kasih atas ucapannya)

Expressions of Complementing

Complementing adalah ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk memuji atau mengapresiasi seseorang, dengan harapan orang tersebut akan mempertahankan prestasinya dan tetap semangat dalam belajar. 
Kapan kita memberikan apresiasi?
  • Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, ketika seseorang memberikan atau melakukan yang terbaik
  • Ketika kamu mengetahui penampilan baru temanmu
  • Ketika kamu mengunjungi rumah temanmu untuk pertama kali.
  • Dan lain-lain.
Beberapa ungkapan yang digunakan ketika memberikan apresiasi, antara lain:

What a + noun/ noun phrase

  • What a nice hat! (Sungguh topi yang indah)
  • What a clever student you are!  (sungguh murid yang cerdas kamu)

What + noun/ noun phrase

  • What beautiful flowers (Sungguh bunga-bunga yang indah)
  • What expensive cars you have!  (sungguh mahal-mahal mobil yang kamu punya)

How + noun/ noun phrase

  • How wonderful your painting! (betapa indahnya lukisanmu)
  • How big your house!  (betapa besarnya rumahmu!)

You look + noun/ noun phrase

  • You look handsome with your clothes! (kamu terlihat tampan dengan pakaianmu)
  • You look pretty with that hat!  (kamu terlihat cantik dengan topi itu!)

Responses of Congratulations

  • Thank you (terima kasih)
  • Thank you very much (terima kasih banyak)
  • Thank you for your apreciation (terima kasiha atas apresiasimu)
  • I’m glad you like it (senang kamu menyukainya)

Contoh Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris - Congratulating and Complementing Others

1. The best expression for the picture is...

A. I am so proud of you. Finally, you’ll study to Oxford.
B. Congratulation, Jonny! Now, you can speak Japanese Fluency.
C. Well done Tom, You will visit to Japan.
D. I am so happy for you.
E. It's amazing Jonny! You will go to England soon.

2. The best expression suitable with the picture is....
A. Happy anniversary.
B. Wish I were you.
C. Have a blessed Wedding.
D. Many happy return of the day!
E. Congratulation for your wining.

3. The appropriate compliment for the picture is....
A. Indonesian Badminton players are amazing.
B. I am so proud as an Indonesian.
C. Indonesian tenis won the gold medal.
D. No one can beat Indonesia player.
E. Champions for Indonesia.

4. Indra : I heard you accepted in a big company. Is it true?
Indri : Yes, It is.
Indra : ................................
Indri : Thank you.

A. Good Job! I am worry about you.
B. It's terrific! No one can not leave you.
C. Congratulation! Hope you can get better job
D. Congratulation! Good luck for you.
E. Wow, You deserved more. It supposed to be like that.

5. Smith : It was an amazing performance dude.
Jack : ..........................

A. You would be better not talk.
B. I am sure it was not me.
C. Thanks for your sympathy
D. I do not think so.
E. Thank you for the compliment.

6. What is the best expression based on the picture?
A. Get well soon, Rahma
B. Congratulations for your graduation, Rahma
C. I wish you happiness
D. You would be better not talk.
E. I hope you will have a long life

7. Miss Mutia : Congratulations on your success in Story telling competition, Rangga
Rangga : ..........................

A. Silent, please
B. Help me, please
C. Thanks
D. My pleasure, Miss
E. No problem

8. Carmen : What a beautiful singing, Al
Alya : Thank you for saying so.
Carmen : you deserve it
the underlined sentence is the expression of .....

A. wish and hope
B. congratulating
C. asking opinion
D. showing agreement
E. Complimenting

9. Please give her compliment!
A. You look gorgeous on that haircut
B. You look beautiful in this this dress
C. You look beautiful in pink
D. What a new hair style
E. What a beautiful shoes

10. The best answer based on the expressions is ….
A. Congratulating
B. Intention
C. Invitation
D. Opinion
E. Complimenting

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